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Lo Staff Arckstone augura a tutti i nostri clienti Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! Si avvisano i gentili clienti, che in questo periodo natalizio, gli ordini possono rallentare!
A pose of the art requires a perfectly flat between the tiles. Often because of media ( hot flashes ) are not perfectly flat , thin tiles and so flexible , or large format tiles and so heavy even with the utmost care you can not be placed in an optimal manner. As a result, tiles that during installation seemed perfectly leveled in hardened adhesive instead have gradients that compromise aesthetics. The RLS system revolutionizes the world of installation and achieve the simplicity and speed with perfectly flat floors eliminating unevenness ( "teeth" ) between the tiles. RLS is perfect for large format tiles and " ultra-thin " (3/ 5 mm). RLS is composed of three elements : base, wedge clamp . The bases are available in two different versions : for tile thickness between 3 and 12 mm for tile thickness comprised between 12 and 20 mm . The wedge is the same for both the foundation and is reusable many times . The adjustable clamp is available in version for laying on the floor or in a version for wall covering and is recommended to enter quickly and easily wedges into the bases , while optimizing the pressure exerted on the tile. The gripper is unique regardless of the thickness of the tile. R.L.S. is the leveling system for quick and easy removal : simply kicking the basis for removing the unnecessary parts from the finished floor , without the aid of any tools.
How to use:
PlacementSupport: 1. After youinsert the mediaspread theadhesivebeneath thetiles correspondence of the 4sides. 2. Depending on thesizeof the tileto placeone or more mediafor each sideof the tile.
3. Place the tileand tap itwitha rubber hammer. Insertion of thewedge: a. Insert thewedgeinto the slotof the supportbeing careful not toexceed the breaking point.
b. Tofacilitate the insertionof the wedge, we recommend usingthe plierstopull adjustable.
4. EliminationSupport: Amaturingof the adhesiveoccurred,the protruding partof the supportis separated beatingfrom the basein the directionof theline of flight,witha rubber hammer or foot.
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